
Website Wins Big: Triple Accolades from Awwwards & The FWA

Shelli Zargary
January 1, 2024

We’re honored to announce that our brand-new company website has been recognized with not one, but three prestigious awards from the digital design world.

W Site of the Day Award

First, our website received the esteemed Developer Award and Site of the Day distinction from Awwwards, a renowned platform celebrating web design excellence. This recognition from digital marketing industry experts is a testament to the talent and dedication of our team and our design partners at Rejouice.

And the accolades don’t stop there; the website also impressed the judges at The FWA, a long-standing competition honoring cutting-edge web projects. We’re doubly honored for our site to also receive their prestigious Site of the Day award.

These awards are more than just digital distinction; they validate the passion behind our vision and mission: to fearlessly fuel the future through clean energy solutions. The website itself reflects this commitment, showcasing our unique technologies and their impact on building a sustainable future.

This recognition further fuels our dedication to keep innovating and pushing boundaries in both the digital and energy landscapes. We invite you to explore our website, discover our technologies, and join our community. Visit us often and share your feedback!

Curious about the award-winning site? Check it out:

Awwwards: The FWA:

—Welcome to the new gold standard for a sustainable energy future.

Learn more

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